Franchise Buying Consulting

Buy a Franchise With Confidence

Our Franchise Buying Consulting service is designed to guide you through every step of finding and buying a franchise.

How We Help

We help you make informed decisions about buying a franchise, ultimately leading to successful and satisfying business ownership experiences. The Best Part… Our services are 100% free to you!

Buying a franchise can be complex, but with our guidance, you’ll make informed decisions that pave the way for successful and satisfying business ownership. Trust our expertise to help you find and secure the perfect franchise opportunity.


Free Franchise Consulting Service

Receive expert guidance and support at no cost, allowing you to focus your resources on growing and multiplying your new business. In most cases, you will receive a significant rebate to help kickstart your venture.

Personalized Franchise Matchmaking

We offer a personalized assessment to match you with the perfect franchise opportunities based on your interests, skills, and goals. This will increase the likelihood of long-term success and satisfaction with your franchise investment.

A Partner Invested In Your Success

Our compensation is tied to your success, meaning we are fully committed to helping you find and thrive in the perfect franchise. This alignment ensures we work diligently to secure the best possible outcomes.

Find a Franchise to Buy

Ready to take the next step toward franchise ownership? Let us help you find the perfect franchise that aligns with your goals and passions.

Our Process

Our commitment to quality and exceptional customer service sets us apart from the competition.


Initial Assessment

We start by getting to know your interests, skills, and goals. Then, we work with you to determine your objectives, whether financial freedom, a career change, or a solid investment.


Franchise Options & Industry Insights

We present a variety of franchise opportunities that align with your profile along with valuable information on different industries and current market trends.



We analyze business models, market potential, costs, and more for each franchise. We help you understand the Franchise Disclosure Document, ensuring you have all the key information.



We arrange meetings with the right franchise representatives and leverage our IFPG network to provide you additional resources and contacts.


Process Guidance

We ensure you ask the right questions and gather all necessary information. We explore financing options together, including SBA loans and other funding sources.


Legal and Contract Support

We recommend lawyers who specialize in franchise agreements, plus assist you in negotiating the terms of your franchise agreement if needed.


Ongoing Support

We ensure you receive proper initial training and support from the franchisor and continue to provide ongoing support as you build your franchise business.


Educational Resources

We suggest helpful workshops and seminars on franchising and provide you with Access to IFPG’s fantastic resources, including research and industry reports.

Why Choose Main Entrance Franchise Consulting

We offer unique services with client-focused compensation models tailored to your needs.

Real Experience

We’re more than advisors and consultants; we are experienced franchisees and franchisors. This makes us uniquely qualified to guide you through buying a franchise.

Personalized Approach

Our services are tailored to meet your specific needs and goals.

Unmatched Support

From initial assessment to ongoing support, we are with you every step of the way.

Client Testimonials

Discover how Main Entrance Franchise Consulting has transformed lives and businesses.

Ready to Begin Your Franchise Journey?

Schedule your free consultation now to explore how Main Entrance Franchise Consulting can empower your future.

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